City of Jasper News

JUNE 25, 2021
UPDATE 7/2/21: The bollards have been installed at the intersection of Stegall Drive/Main St. & Stegall Drive/Mark Whitfield St. and will stay in place through this Fourth of July weekend.
It is anticipated that the appropriate number of bollards will be removed on Tuesday morning (July 6th) to allow for the “driving lane” along Stegall Drive.
Additional safety measures will be implemented such as barriers between the driving lane and pedestrian areas. Continued thanks to the Downtown Development Authority, Businesses and other stakeholders in the area.
(6/25/2021) The Jasper Downtown Development Authority in conjunction with Downtown Merchants have begun enacting temporary changes to the Stegall Drive area (between Main Street & Mark Whitfield). While exploring these changes to enhance the area and to create a vibrant and entertaining area, the group has requested the City’s authority to move forward with these efforts. The City will be enhancing the area from a safety perspective through the temporary installation of bollards for traffic control as well as a barrier between motorists and pedestrians. Please be aware of these activities and act accordingly while visiting or traversing the area.