Jasper Fire Department

The mission of the Jasper Fire Department is to protect life and property of the citizens and visitors of the City of Jasper from all hazards. The professional members of Jasper Fire Department will accomplish this mission through advanced education and training, and by providing prevention, public education, and mitigation services to the citizens and visitors of the City of Jasper.
Georgia’s Outdoor Burn Ban is in effect from May 1 through September 30 each year.
The City of Jasper Fire Department will no longer be issuing burn permits for controlled burns. Effective immediately, you will need to contact the Georgia Forestry Commission, by phone 1-877-OK2-BURN (652-2876) or online, for your permits.
We feel that this will save the citizens the trouble of coming by the fire department to obtain a permit, and with calling to get clearance for burning. We will still be enforcing the rules and regulations that the state issues for controlled fires including the statewide burn ban.
If you have any questions regarding the regulations, please feel free to contact us, we will be glad to help.
Documents open in a new window picture_as_pdf
City of Jasper Fire Department Fee Schedule
Commercial Hood Suppression System Permit
Guidelines for Annual and Busincess License Fire Safety Inspections
Procedure for Plan Submittal
Tenant Occupancy Change
This means of electrical service disconnection shall be in the form of a service disconnect or shunt mounted outside the structure. It shall be easily accessible to responding emergency personnel.
This amends and exceeds the requirements of the State of Georgia, as listed in sections 705.20, 705.21, and 705.22 of the National Electrical Code, 2005 edition.
If said building is not protected by an automatic sprinkler system, these fire separations shall be rated for not less than Two (2) hours.
This amends and exceeds the requirements of the State of Georgia, as listed in section 302.3.1 and table 302.3.3 of the International Building Code, 2000 edition, and section 8.2.1 and table A.8.2.1 of the Life Safety code, 2000 edition.
Note: Fire Separations are commonly referred to as Fire Barriers, Fire Walls, etc. No matter what term is used to describe these separations they shall meet or exceed all applicable codes.