Jasper Public Notices & Bids
NOTICES notification_important
Pursuant to Sec. 94-208 of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Jasper, a public meeting is scheduled before the Planning Commission on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 6:00 PM at Jasper City Hall located at 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, GA to discuss:
1. A request by applicant Will Cobb on behalf of Gateway Crossing Jasper, LLC, the owner of approximately 0.94 acres zoned C-2 General Commercial located at 11 James Drive (Parcel 041 016) for a variance from City of Jasper Sign Ordinance Sec. 95-17(b)(3)(a)(4) to exceed the allowed number of building facades with signage for a Chipotle drive-thru restaurant.
2. A request by applicant Damiane’ Handa on behalf of Gateway Crossing Jasper, LLC, the owner of approximately 1.82 acres zoned C-2 General Commercial located at 53 James Drive (Parcel 041 016) for a variance from City of Jasper Sign Ordinance Sec. 95-17(b)(3)(a)(4) to exceed the allowed number of building façades with signage for a Chick-fil-A drive-thru restaurant.
3. A request by applicant Will Cobb on behalf of Gateway Crossing Jasper, LLC, the owner of approximately 2.44 acres zoned C-2 General Commercial located at 286 Virginia Way (Parcel 041 016) for variances from City of Jasper Sign Ordinance Secs. 95-17(b)(3)(a)(2) and (4) to exceed the allowed number of signs per building façade and the allowed number of building façades with signage for a Whataburger drive-thru restaurant.
4. A request by applicant Danny Dangler on behalf of Jones Oil Distributor, Inc., the owner of approximately 1.46 acres located at 2101 Waleska Highway 108 (Parcel 064 007) to annex the property into the City of Jasper. The applicant is processing a concurrent request to rezone the property from Pickens County HB Highway Business district to City of Jasper C-2 General Commercial district upon annexation.
4. A request by applicant Danny Dangler on behalf of Jones Oil Distributor, Inc., the owner of approximately 1.46 acres located at 2101 Waleska Highway 108 (Parcel 064 007) to rezone the property from Pickens County HB Highway Business district to City of Jasper C-2 General Commercial district.
Pursuant to Sec. 94-209 of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Jasper, a public hearing is scheduled before the Mayor and City Council on Monday, April 7, 2025, at 6:00 PM at Jasper City Hall located at 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, GA to discuss the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the above referenced request. All associated plans and applications can be viewed at the City of Jasper Planning and Development Office located at 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, GA or by contacting 706-692-9100 with any questions.
The Pickens County Board of Elections & Registration, will conduct a General Election on Tuesday, November 4, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of electing the following:
(A) The office of City Councilmember of the City of Jasper, Georgia, being Post 1, which will be elected at large for a term of four (4) years beginning on or about January 1, 2026, through December 31, 2029, with the incumbent being Dr. Folsom "Sonny" Proctor.
(B) The office of City Councilmember of the City of Jasper, Georgia, being Post 2, which will be elected at large for a term of four (4) years beginning on or about January 1, 2026, through December 31, 2029, with the incumbent being Anne Sneve.
The qualifying period, to qualify for the above offices, shall open on Monday, August 18, 2025, and will continue for three days through Wednesday, August 20, 2025. The hours of qualifying each day shall be from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
The qualifying fee for each Council seat shall be $90.00. Prospective candidates may qualify at the administrative office of the Pickens County Board of Elections located at 3100 Camp Road, Suite B, Jasper, Georgia 30143. All qualified candidates are encouraged to run.
Advance voting for the election shall begin on Monday, October 14, 2025, and continue until Friday, October 31, 2025, including two Saturday voting days October 18th, 2025 and October 25, 2025. Advance voting will take place at the Pickens County Recreation Department, 1329 Camp Road, Jasper, Georgia 30143. Election Day, November 4, 2025, registered voters from the City of Jasper will vote at their assigned precinct location: Jasper Municipal Court Room, 55 G.G. Lovell Street, Jasper GA 30143.
The City of Jasper is accepting Proposals for a qualified professional company to conduct construction of a Fire Station. The RFP is intended to provide a common and uniform set of instructions to guide Respondents through the development of proposals.
There is no expressed or implied obligation for the City to reimburse respondent for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request. Materials submitted by respondents are subject to public inspection under the Georgia Open Records Act, unless respondent identifies proprietary or confidential information as provided in the proposal.
During the evaluation process, the City reserves the right, where it may serve the City’s best interest, to request additional information or clarification from proposers. At the discretion of the City, respondents submitting proposals may be requested to make oral presentations as part of the evaluation process.
The City reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any idea(s) in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the respondent of the conditions contained in the request for proposals, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in the contract between the City of Jasper and the respondent selected.
It is anticipated the selection of a company will be completed by April 8, 2025. Following the notification of the selected respondent, a recommendation and proposed contract will be prepared for review and approval by the City of Jasper Council at its public meeting following notification. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any non-material irregularities or information in any proposal, and to accept or reject any items or combination of items.
Proposals must be responsive to the City’s request. The City shall determine the most responsive and qualified company providing the best service and shall then seek to negotiate a contract for a fair and reasonable price.
The request for proposals does not obligate the City to award a contract or complete the project and the City reserves the right to cancel the solicitation if deemed in its best interest.
Download The Request for Qualifications picture_as_pdf
Proposal Submittal Deadline
April 4, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.
Questions with regards to submissions, process, or proposals can be emailed to:
Lorrie Waters, City Clerk/HR Director
The City of Jasper, GA is soliciting Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from respondents capable of entering a partnership to provide auctioneer services for the consulting with the City and the selling and disposition of city equipment. The City is interested in maximizing benefits for its citizens from this effort and views the intended relationship as a partnering venture in which the city is the recipient of a favorable outcome relative to the identification of equipment that is of no longer viable use and has exhausted its public purpose. The City and the successful respondent may enter into an agreement addressing the topics contained in this document. The City also reserves the right to expand the scope of services to include additional responsibilities.
The City of Jasper expects to select the highest scoring respondent based on a structured point scoring evaluation. The scoring evaluation will consider each respondent's ability to perform the required services, experience and technical expertise and resources that will support on-site staff assistance, and the respondent’s ability to provide innovative approaches through consultation with the City for the selling and disposition of equipment to maximize the financial benefit to the City. The City will begin negotiations with the highest scoring respondent. Should the negotiations fail to result in an executed agreement, the City may elect to terminate negotiations with the first-ranked respondent and begin negotiations with the second-ranked respondent, and so on, or cancel the entire RFQ process.
The purpose of this partnership is to ensure that the City secures a qualified auctioneer to assist in the professional aspect of consulting with the City along with the most favorable and financially beneficial selling and disposition of City owned equipment.
Download The Request for Qualifications picture_as_pdf.
Issued: October 10, 2024
Questions and Answers - October 23, 2024
Issued: November 4, 2024
Submittals Received by October 31, 2024, at 2:00PM
The City of Jasper, GA is soliciting Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from respondents capable of entering into a “partnership” agreement to provide operation, maintenance, and management services for the City's water and sewer treatment facilities. The City is interested in maximizing benefits for its customers from this effort and views the intended relationship as a partnering venture in which issues are quickly and fairly resolved to the mutual benefit of the City, its ratepayers, and the successful respondent. The City and the successful respondent may enter into a mutually binding operation, maintenance, and management agreement addressing the topics contained in this document. The City also reserves the right to expand the scope of services to include additional responsibilities.
The City of Jasper expects to select the highest scoring respondent based on a structured point scoring evaluation. The scoring evaluation will consider each respondent's ability to perform the required services, experience and technical expertise, corporate and technical resources that will support on-site staff, and the respondent’s ability to implement innovative project delivery approaches. The City will begin negotiations with the highest scoring respondent. Should the negotiations fail to result in an executed agreement, the City may elect to terminate negotiations with the first-ranked respondent and begin negotiations with the second-ranked respondent, and so on, or cancel the entire RFQ process.
The purpose of this partnership is to operate, maintain, and manage the City's water and sewer treatment assets cost effectively and efficiently. Other core objectives are to operate in compliance, improve maintenance, and implement solutions to lower the capital and operating costs of any and all aspects of operations, and continue local purchases of supplies, consumables, and services; wherever practical.
The full Request for Qualifications may be downloaded here or by emailing the request to Lorrie Waters at the City of Jasper at lorrie.waters@jasper-ga.us. The RFQ may also be obtained at the City of Jasper City Hall, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, Georgia, 30143.
Each respondent must submit ten (10) copies of the RFQ no later than 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 31, 2024, addressed to Lorrie Waters, City Clerk, City of Jasper, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, Georgia 30143. The outside of the shipping carton must be clearly marked "STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, AND MANAGEMENT OF THE WATER SEWER TREATEMENT FACILITIES FOR THE CITY OF JASPER, GEORGIA."
Download The Request for Qualifications picture_as_pdf.
Issued: May 31, 2024
Questions and Answers - July 8, 2024
REVISED BID DATE: Bids Received Until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, July 25, 2024
Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Jasper, Georgia at the 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, Georgia 30143 until 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, July 25, 2024 (date revised on 7/9/24) at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. No submitted bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days.
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, and labor for:
Dredging approximately 3,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediments within 200 feet of the City of Jasper water intake structure and dam within Long Swamp Creek. The work is to be conducted in the “dry” by temporarily diverting Long Swamp Creek into the emergency spillway, around the dam, and return its stream flow to the original channel near the Cove Road bridge. Work also includes repairing the storm damaged emergency spillway.
Time allotted for dredging is 5 consecutive calendar days. Time allotted for all construction is 150 consecutive calendar days for substantial completion and 180 days for final completion.
Construction in water must take place between September 2024 and March 2025, outside of Etowah Darter and Cherokee Darter spawning windows.
Proposals for the complete work in one general contract shall be made on the proposal form provided and shall contain prices in words and figures for the work bid on.
All proposals shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond drawn in favor of the City of Jasper, Georgia, in the amount of at least 5% of the lump sum bid for the complete work; such Bid Bond representing that the Bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly enter into a contract and furnish Performance Bond and Payment Bond as provided by law and approved by the Attorney for the City of Jasper, Georgia. Each bond shall be equal to 100% of the contract amount. The Bid Bond shall be forfeited to the City of Jasper, Georgia as liquidated damages if the Bidder fails to execute the contract and provide Performance and Payment Bonds within 10 days after being notified that he has been awarded the contract.
Drawings and Specifications are open to public inspection at the office of the City of Jasper, Georgia and at the offices of Turnipseed Engineers in Augusta and Atlanta, Georgia.
Copies of the plans and specifications must be obtained from Turnipseed Engineers, 2255 Cumberland Parkway, Building 400, Atlanta, Georgia 30339, upon receipt of $200. Additional reduced drawings are available for $100.
Digital copies of the documents are not available.
Upon receipt of all documents in undamaged condition within 30 days after the date of opening of bids, half of the deposit will be refunded.
The difference between the deposit and the amount refunded represents the cost of reproduction. No refund will be made for documents received after 30 days or in damaged condition.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.
Bid Advertisement download picture_as_pdf.
Issued: November 2, 2023
Sealed proposals will be received by City of Jasper, Georgia at the City of Jasper City Hall, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, Georgia 30143 until 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, December 7, 2023 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. No submitted bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days. All Bidders must have a State of Georgia Utility Contractor License and must employ a state “Utility Manager” certificate holder who will have oversight of all the work.
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor to remove and replace approximately 175 linear feet of existing 8" finished water line crossing Long Swamp Creek including proposed concrete piers, all complete with appurtenances.
Time allotted for construction is 60 consecutive calendar days for substantial completion and 90 days for final completion.
Proposals for the complete work in one general contract be made on the proposal form provided and shall contain prices in words and figures for the work bid on.
All proposals shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond drawn in favor of the City of Jasper, in the amount of at least 10% of the lump sum bid for the complete work; such Bid Bond representing that the Bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly enter into a contract and furnish Performance Bond and Payment Bond as provided by law and approved by the Attorney for the City of Jasper. Each bond shall be equal to 100% of the contract amount. The Bid Bond shall be forfeited to the City of Jasper as liquidated damages if the Bidder fails to execute the contract and provide Performance and Payment Bonds within 10 days after being notified that he has been awarded the contract.
Drawings and Specifications are open to public inspection at the office of the City of Jasper and at the offices of Turnipseed Engineers in Augusta and Atlanta, Georgia. Copies of the plans and specifications must be obtained from Turnipseed Engineers, 2255 Cumberland Parkway, Building 400, Atlanta, Georgia 30339, upon receipt of $175. Additional reduced drawings are available for $75 Digital copies of the documents are not available.
Upon receipt of all documents in undamaged condition within 30 days after the date of opening of bids, half of the deposit will be refunded. The difference between the deposit and the amount refunded represents the cost of reproduction. No refund will be made for documents received after 30 days or in damaged condition. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.
Bid Advertisement download picture_as_pdf.
Issued: October 12, 2023
The City of Jasper is accepting sealed bids for Bid No. 2023-012 Mulch Hay.
There are approximately 2,000 bales of mulch hay left over from the Jasper Police Department Gravity Racing Derby that will be sold in lots of no less than 50 bales.
The City of Jasper makes no guarantee as to the condition of the hay bales due to weather conditions.
Proposers shall be aware they will be responsible for loading and hauling all hay from the site designated by the City.
All hay shall be moved within 10 days of bid being awarded.
Submit sealed bids for:
Bid No. 2023-012 Mulch Hay
City of Jasper
200 Burnt Mountain Road
Jasper, Georgia 30143
Bids will be accepted until 2:00 o’clock P.M. EST Tuesday, October 24, 2023. "Proposals" received after 2:00 P.M. EST, Tuesday, October 24, 2023, will not be accepted or considered.
Information for Bidders may be requested at:
City of Jasper
Attn: Lindsey Williams
200 Burnt Mountain Road
Jasper, GA 30143
NOTE: The City of Jasper reserves the right to waive any or all informalities, accept or reject any or all bids, to re-advertise and award in the best interest of the City.
October 31, 2023 3:00PM
The following sealed proposals were received by the City of Jasper on October 31, 2023, at 3:00PM for
RFP 2023-11:
1. Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless
October 18, 2023
**Notice of Change to Sealed Proposal/Bid Due Date**
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the City is extending the due date for accepting sealed proposals (bids) from Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 3:00PM to Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 3:00PM.
Questions and Answers - October 18, 2023
Questions and Answers - October 23, 2023
RFQ Issued: September 20, 2023
The City of Jasper is soliciting competitive sealed (bids) proposals from qualified Respondents for the lease of municipal real estate for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a telecommunications tower and storing cellular equipment on or about the Mineral Spring Street (“Lilly Water Tank”) Water Tank located at 36 Lilly Circle in Jasper, Georgia.
Attached hereto are the general conditions, specific terms and conditions of any resulting lease that are required by the City of Jasper, and format requirements of any proposal (bid) submitted in response to this Request for Proposal (“RFP”). All inquiries and questions regarding this RFP shall be in writing and directed to Kim Goldener, Assistant City Manager by email to: kgoldener@jasper-ga.us.
may also be downloaded picture_as_pdf.
The deadline for submission of any questions shall be October 13, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. and no questions shall be answered until after the deadline has elapsed. Do not call or email any other employee or elected official seeking answers to questions. If a person or entity violates the prohibition against calling or emailing with questions, the City of Jasper reserves the right to immediately remove said person or entity from consideration. Questions and answers will be distributed to all interested parties through a formal written addendum to the RFP prior to the submittal deadline.
Proposals (bids) are due no later than 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The proposal (bid) must be submitted upon a flash drive with the pdf copy of the proposal (bid) plus one hard copy of the proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked, “Proposal for Lease of Municipal Real Estate for Telecommunications Tower and Equipment Shelter” and delivered to the address below. Additionally, one (1) fully executable electronic copy of the response (in Word or .pdf format) must be attached to an email with the subject line bearing the same title and sent electronically to the email address below.
City of Jasper City Hall
Attn: Kim Goldener, Assistant City Manager
200 Burnt Mountain Road
Jasper, Georgia 30143
Any proposals (bids) received after the deadline date and time will be returned unopened. Incomplete proposals may not be considered if the omissions are determined to be significant and failure to comply with the written requirements of this RFP may result in disqualification of the proposal. The written proposal documents supersede any verbal or written prior communications between the parties, if any. All respondents will be notified in writing of the award.
We look forward to your bid and appreciate your interest in the City of Jasper.
Request for Proposals for Lease of Municipal Real Estate for Telecommunications Tower and Equipment Shelter | RFP #2023-11 picture_as_pdf
BIDS RECEIVED picture_as_pdf
May 4, 2023, at 3:00PM
The following bids* were received by the City of Jasper on May 4, 2023, at 3:00PM for RFQ# 2023-05:
1. Kinetic Trails, Louisville, CO - $100,606.37
2. Steele & Associates (Tailored Trails), Alpharetta, GA - $162,549.00
*Listed in alphabetical order
RFQ Issued: Thursday, March 30, 2023
Non-Mandatory Onsite Meeting:
Thursday, April 20, 2023, 11:00AM
*Meet in the Lumber Company Road Parking Lot*
Deadline to submit questions:
Thursday, April 27, 2023, 3:00PM
Package Submission Deadline:
Thursday, May 4, 2023, 3:00PM
This Request for Quotes and related documents may be obtained during normal business hours
from the City of Jasper City Hall located at 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, GA 30143. The RFQ
may also be downloaded picture_as_pdf.
Any questions regarding the information contained within this RFQ or the project shall be
submitted by email to: Kim Goldener, Assistant City Manager
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Jasper is issuing this Request for Quotes (RFQ) for the
construction of specified mountain bike trail construction on shared-use (bike/hiking/trail
running) trails within Doris Wigington Park.
Respondents are solely responsible for ensuring packages are received by the City of Jasper on
or before the submittal deadline. Packages must be received no later than 3:00PM on Thursday,
May 4, 2023, at the following address:
City of Jasper
200 Burnt Mountain Road
Jasper, GA 30143
Attn: Kim Goldener
One complete package with original signature of a representative authorized to bind the
company must be submitted in a sealed package with the name of the respondent and the RFQ
title “Doris Wigington Park Off Road/Mountain Bike Trails” clearly marked on the outside of the
package. In addition, an electronic copy on a flash drive or CD must accompany the package in a
separately sealed envelope titled “Doris Wigington Park – Electronic Copy”. This shall be included
within the submitted, sealed envelope. Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted.
Bids will be opened publicly by the City of Jasper on Thursday, May 4, 2023, at 3:05PM.
Failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this RFQ may result in disqualification.
Submitted packages may be withdrawn at any time prior to the submission date and time
specified in this RFQ, provided that notification is received in writing before the submission
deadline. Packages cannot be changed or withdrawn after the submission deadline, and no
handwritten notations or corrections will be allowed. The Respondent is solely responsible for
all costs related to the preparation of the package.
The City reserves the right to reject all packages and to waive any minor informalities or
irregularities contained in any package. Acceptance of any package submitted pursuant to this
RFQ shall not constitute any implied intent to enter into a contract.
The contract award, if any, will be made to the Respondent who, in the City’s sole discretion, is
the best able to perform the required services in a manner most beneficial to the City. The City
reserves the right to cancel the solicitation if deemed in its best interest.
Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Jasper, Georgia at the Jasper City Hall, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, Georgia 30143 until 2:00 p.m. local time, Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. No submitted bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days.
All Bidders must have a State of Georgia Well Drillers License and be a member of the Georgia Water Well Drillers Association.
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor for the construction of:
Three 6-inch test wells, one 8-inch production well, 72-hour aquifer test and abandonment as needed.
Time allotted for construction is 90 consecutive calendar days for substantial completion and 120 days for final completion.
Proposals for the complete work in one general contract shall be made on the proposal form provided and shall contain prices in words and figures for the work bid on.
The City reserves the right to award the contract with one, two or three test wells. If more than one test well is awarded, the City reserves the right to delete from the contract by change order any test well once a test well is determined sufficient for production well development.
All proposals shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond drawn in favor of the City of Jasper, Georgia, in the amount of at least 10% of the lump sum bid for the complete work; such Bid Bond representing that the Bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly enter into a contract and furnish Performance Bond and Payment Bond as provided by law and approved by the Attorney for the City of Jasper, Georgia. Each bond shall be equal to 100% of the contract amount. The Bid Bond shall be forfeited to the City of Jasper, Georgia as liquidated damages if the Bidder fails to execute the contract and provide Performance and Payment Bonds within 10 days after being notified that he has been awarded the contract.
Bidding documents are open to public inspection at the office of the City of Jasper, Georgia and at the offices of Turnipseed Engineers in Augusta and Atlanta, Georgia. Copies of the specifications may be obtained from Turnipseed Engineers, 2255 Cumberland Parkway, Building 400, Atlanta, Georgia 30339, upon receipt of $75.00.
Digital copies of the documents are not available.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.
BID #2023.04 – WATER SUPPLY WELL picture_as_pdf
PACKAGES RECEIVED picture_as_pdf
February 9, 2023, 3:00PM
The following packages* were received by the City of Jasper on February 9, 2023, at 3:00PM for RFQ# 2023-01:
1. American Engineers Inc. – Acworth, GA
2. Axis Infrastructure – Roswell, GA
4. Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood (GMC) – Atlanta, GA
5. Jericho Design Group – Cumming, GA
6. Source Urbanism – Stone Mountain, GA
The City of Jasper is seeking qualified professional architectural firms to assist with its implementation of various general landscaping, park and green space development, and streetscaping projects. This contract solicitation will allow engagement of qualified teams that can deliver these services to the City in an independent, professional, and comprehensive manner. Responding firms should have a strong record providing architectural services to local governments in Georgia and experience in working on Federally Assisted Projects. This RFQ is anticipated to cover a period of 18-months. Separate work orders will be developed for each project during this time. The City of Jasper may select a different consulting architectural firm from the respondents to this request for each project using the selection criteria provided in this request for qualifications.
The City of Jasper is soliciting qualifications from architectural firms able to provide the following services to include (but not limited to) conceptual report preparation (Preliminary Architectural Report) and validation, preparation of displays for public meetings, surveys and mapping, preliminary construction plans, erosion control plans, structural plans, permit assistance, final construction plans and construction bid packages, supervising the bid advertising, tabulation and award process, and contract administration.
Typical projects may include developing the scope of construction; development of concept, preliminary, and final design documents; environmental documents; utility coordination and relocation plans; right-of-way plans and documents; specifications and bid documents; contract administration. Typical projects will generally fall into the following categories:
• Landscaping
• Streetscaping
• Small Transportation (Sidewalks / Paths / Trails – Pedestrian or Multi-use)
• Site Development/Public Buildings
The full Request for Qualifications may be downloaded below, or by emailing the request to Kim Goldener at the City of Jasper at kgoldener@jasper-ga.us. The RFQ may also be obtained at the City of Jasper City Hall, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, Georgia, 30143.
Full RFQ 2023-01 picture_as_pdf
Qualifications are due no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2023. An original and flash drive with PDF copy of the Qualifications must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked, “Qualifications for Professional Architectural Services (RFQ 2023-01).” All proposals must be delivered to the City of Jasper City Hall Attn: Kim Goldener, Assistant City Manager, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, GA 30143 by the deadline date and time. A representative of the City of Jasper government will publicly read the names of the companies submitting qualifications at 3:05 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2023.
Any proposals received after the deadline date and time will be returned unopened. Incomplete proposals may not be considered if the omissions are determined to be significant.
PACKAGES RECEIVED picture_as_pdf
February 9, 2023, 3:00PM
The following packages* were received by the City of Jasper on February 9, 2023, at 3:00PM for RFQ# 2023-02:
1. BM&K Construction & Engineering – Braselton, GA
2. Carter & Sloope Consulting Engineers – Macon, GA
3. EXP US Services – Atlanta, GA
4. Falcon Design – Stockbridge, GA
5. Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood (GMC) – Atlanta, GA
6. Kimley Horn – Atlanta, GA
7. Newsome Engineering & Consulting – Ellijay, GA
8. RINDT – Marietta, GA
9. TK Consulting Engineers – Kennesaw, GA
10. Turnipseed Engineers – Atlanta, GA
The City of Jasper is seeking qualified professional civil engineering firms to assist with its implementation of various general civil, environmental, and transportation projects. This contract solicitation will allow engagement of qualified teams that can deliver these services to the City in an independent, professional, and comprehensive manner. Responding firms should have a strong record providing engineering services to local governments in Georgia and experience in working on Federally Assisted Projects. This Request For Qualifications is anticipated to cover a period of 18-months. Separate work orders will be developed for each project during this time. The City of Jasper may select a different consulting engineer from the respondents to this request for each project using the selection criteria provided in this request for qualifications.
The City of Jasper is soliciting qualifications from engineering firms able to provide the following services to include (but not limited to) concept report preparation and validation, utility plans, preparation of displays for public meetings, surveys and mapping, preliminary construction plans, final right-of-way plans (including staking of right-of-way), erosion control plans, structural plans, permit assistance, and final construction plans.
Typical projects may include developing the scope of construction; development of concept, preliminary, and final design documents; environmental documents; utility coordination and relocation plans; right-of-way plans and documents; specifications and bid documents; contract administration. Typical projects will generally fall into the following categories:
• Utility Improvements and Relocations (Water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure)
• Large Transportation (New alignments, road widening, repairs and maintenance)
• Small Transportation (Sidewalks / Paths / Trails – Pedestrian or Multi-use)
• Site Development/Public Buildings
The full Request for Qualifications may be downloaded below, or by emailing the request to Kim Goldener at the City of Jasper at kgoldener@jasper-ga.us. The RFQ may also be obtained at the City of Jasper City Hall, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, Georgia, 30143.
Full RFQ 2023-02 picture_as_pdf
Qualifications are due no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2023. An original and flash drive with PDF copy of the Qualifications must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked, “Qualifications for Professional Engineering Services (RFQ 2023-02).” All proposals must be delivered to the City of Jasper City Hall Attn: Kim Goldener, Assistant City Manager, 200 Burnt Mountain Road, Jasper, GA 30143 by the deadline date and time. A representative of the City of Jasper government will publicly read the names of the companies submitting qualifications at 3:10 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2023.
Any proposals received after the deadline date and time will be returned unopened. Incomplete proposals may not be considered if the omissions are determined to be significant.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Jasper (“City”) is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for preparation of Construction Renovations to the City of Jasper’s Fire Station.
Respondents are solely responsible for ensuring proposals are received by the City on or before the submittal deadline. Proposals must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. EST, on October 11, 2022, at the following address:
City of Jasper
Attn: Lindsey Williams
200 Burnt Mountain Road
Jasper, GA 30143
An original copy must be signed by a representative authorized to bind the company. The original signed proposal and five (5) duplicates are to be submitted in a sealed package with the name of the respondent and RFP title “Fire Station Renovations” clearly marked on the outside of the package. An electronic copy on a flash drive or CD must accompany the proposal in a separately sealed envelope titled “Fire Station Renovations – Electronic Copy” and shall be included within the submitted sealed envelope.
Failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this RFP may result in disqualification. Submitted proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the submission time specified in this RFP, provided notification is received in writing before the submittal deadline. Proposals cannot be changed or withdrawn after the submittal deadline. No handwritten notations or corrections will be allowed. The Respondent is solely responsible for all costs related to the preparation of the proposal.
The City reserves the right to reject all proposals and to waive any minor informalities or irregularities contained in any proposal. Acceptance of any proposal submitted pursuant to this RFP shall not constitute any implied intent to enter into a contract.
The contract award, if any, will be made to the Respondent who, in the City’s sole discretion, is best able to perform the required services in a manner most beneficial to the City.
Full RFP 2022-09 picture_as_pdf
Fire Station Addition - Issue for Construction picture_as_pdf
Questions with regards to submissions, process, or proposals can be emailed to:
Lindsey Williams, Director of Finance
The City of Jasper, GA is seeking Proposals from qualified and experienced firms to develop a park and amphitheater master plan. Responding firms should have a strong record in successfully assisting local governments with preparing plans for parks, event venues, and new recreation facilities and experience in working on Federally Assisted Projects. Responding firms should be qualified to provide a comprehensive park masterplan including site design, landscaping design, lighting design, band shell/stage design, restrooms design, and onsite and perimeter parking. Additional Park features may include splash pad, playground, oversite tower, interpretive signage, and other recommended features.
An original and four (4) copies of the proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked, “Proposal for Professional Architectural Services - Park and Amphitheater”. All proposals must be delivered to the City of Jasper City Hall, Attn: Kim Goldener, Assistant City Manager/Public Information Officer, 200 Burnt Mountain Road; Jasper, Georgia 30143 no later than 3:00pm on Thursday, July 7, 2022.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) and specifications may be downloaded here, ADDENDUM 1, ADDENDUM 2, and ADDENDUM 3 picture_as_pdf, or by emailing Kim Goldener at kgoldener@jasper-ga.us. A copy may also be obtained at City of Jasper City Hall, 200 Burnt Mountain Road; Jasper, Georgia 30143.
Inquiries about the RFP must be made in writing to:
Kim Goldener, Assistant City Manager/Public Information Officer
City of Jasper
Addendum No. 1 -
June 16, 2022
1. Where is the location of the proposed Park and Amphitheater referenced in the RFP?
The park and amphitheater are proposed on 2 lots bordered by Spring Street and S Main Street in downtown
Jasper, GA. The combined lots are 3.09 acres; however, the City is evaluating whether there may be additional
land purchase opportunities to increase the park size in the future. Please see the blue hatched area below for
the lots the City already owns.
2. Does the City have any preliminary estimates, costs or budget for this project?
The City does not have any preliminary numbers for this project; we only know that we will be pursuing federal
funding as indicated in the RFP. The City has designated some of our 2020 SPLOST funding towards this project
to be used for matching funds.
3. The scope outlined in the RFP mentions “surveying”. Typically, a survey of the existing conditions would be
done by a third-party firm hired by the owner. This document is typically provided to the architect/engineer
at the beginning of the project. Is the intent for the fee for the survey of the existing site to be included in the
RFP response or will it be provided by the owner?
The intent is for the fee for any survey work needed to be included in the RFP response. The City may be able
to provide the survey work performed when the property was purchased; however, we recommend including
the fees for survey work in the RFP to ensure all bases are covered.
4. The scope outlined in the RFP mentions “field staking.” Field staking would be a scope of work typically
provided by the General Contractor during the construction phase of the project. The architect and engineer
would typically review the stakes once in place. This scope of work would be included under Construction
Administration services. Please clarify the intent behind the request for “field staking.”
The City understands that the General Contractor would be responsible for any field staking during construction
phases under the direction of Architect/Engineer. We acknowledge that this would be work (fees) included
under Construction Administration services.
5. The RFP scope lists the following in the scope of work: “Ensuring all labor laws are followed by Contractors
as required for Federally Assisted Projects.” Typically, the General Contractor, not the Architect, would be
responsible for ensuring that his team and his subcontractors followed the labor laws and would be
responsible for submitting the required forms. Please clarify the intent behind this scope of work request.
The City acknowledges that the General Contractor is typically responsible for meeting labor law requirements;
however, we see this as part of the oversight the Architectural/Engineering firm would provide as a part of the
Construction Administration services. We highly recommend that all respondents familiarize themselves with
the requirements associated with Federally funded projects.
6. The RFP scope lists the following in the scope of work: “Conducting final inspection and testing.” Under the
Construction Administration services, the Architect will perform regular site visits to review the construction
progress and will perform a final punch walk with the owner and General Contractor. However, code-required
testing and inspections would be done by a third-party reviewer unaffiliated with the project team. Costs for
these tests and reports are typically included in the construction budget. Please clarify the intent behind this
scope of work request.
The City acknowledges that the General Contractor is responsible for coordinating all required inspections and
testing as a part of construction. We are looking for the fees that your Architectural/Engineering firm would
charge for the oversight of the work as a part of the Construction Administration services.
7. What is the anticipated size of events to be held at the site?
The City has no anticipated size of events to be held at the site; however, the future park location is directly off
of the south end of our downtown Main Street. We see opportunities for different sized and themed events in
this space that could potentially be in conjunction with other programmed events, or overflow into the
downtown Main Street area.
8. What is the target square footage for the amphitheater?
We do not have a target square footage; however, keep in mind that the site is currently only 3 acres. The City
is interested in potentially purchasing other surrounding parcels to increase the overall park size, but there is
no schedule for that.
9. The RFP mentions that the scope includes the completion of the Environmental Review Form. Does the site
include any known archeological sites or historically significant buildings?
The City is not aware of any archaeological sites on this land. There were structures on the parcels that have
since been removed.
10. The RFP mentions that the site extents consist of a 3-acre city owner plot. Could you please provide a map
markup or parcel numbers of where exactly the site is located?
Yes. Please see the map referenced on Page 1, Question 1 of this Addendum.
Addendum No. 2 -
June 16, 2022
1. We have been unable to locate any information on what is required for a Preliminary Architectural Report (PAR) for the Appalachian Regional Commission. Is there a summary of the items that must be included?
The City recently used the following guidelines from the Appalachian Regional Commission for a different project where DCA/ARC funding was being pursued:
Executive Summary
• Brief description of Project Area needs, Conclusions, and Recommendations
• Purpose and Scope
• Authorization
• Previous Studies
• Project Area conditions including description of needs to be addressed
• Description of existing facilities, if any, including existing floor plan with all dimensions and descriptive labels for all rooms
• Projections of future needs
Evaluation of Alternatives
• Descriptions of alternative solutions considered (new construction, renovation, additions to existing structures), including cost estimates for each alternative
• Site selection criteria
• Location relative to population served
• Adequacy of infrastructure (access, water, fire protection, sanitary sewer, storm drainage)
• Soil conditions, and topographic constraints
• Assessment of impacts on existing residents & property owners, if any
Description of Proposed Project
• Identification of applicable federal, state, and local design standards
• Preliminary Site Plan showing proposed ingress – egress, vehicle circulation on-site, drop-off area, regular parking and accessible parking, service access (dumpster location with truck access, mechanical room access), extensions of utilities (water, sanitary, electric, telephone), access road improvements, emergency vehicle access
Addendum No. 3 -
June 16, 2022
1. Please confirm that our understanding of the project delivery method is correct – design, bid, and then build.
What the City is looking for with this RFP is a firm that can help us first with the conceptual design work, including phasing and cost estimates, and preparation of the Preliminary Architectural Report (PAR) that is required with the pre-application and application processes for Appalachian Regional Commission grant funding. After grant funding is secured, we’d then need final designs, reports, project administration services, etc. The project administration (or contract administration) portion would include the bid process and oversight of the contractor performing the work as laid out in the RFP.
2. How would the City like to see our firm’s approach to fees laid out in our proposal? Hourly rates or lump sum?
There’s not a specific format that we’re looking for with this project. There are technically 2 phases to the work, with the 2nd phase completely dependent upon the 1st phase being successful. We would recommend that fees be addressed for the activities within each phase, whether they be hourly rates or lump sum amounts. If hourly rates are identified, please include an estimated number of hours identified for tasks.
Proposals Received -
July 7, 2022
The following proposals* were received by the City of Jasper on July 7, 2022, at 3PM for RFP# 2022-07:
1. BROS RŌMAN BRÄUN – Milton, Georgia
2. CPL Architecture, Engineering and Planning – Woodstock, Georgia
3. Goodwyn, Mills, and Cawood (GMC) – Atlanta, Georgia
4. Jericho Design Group – Cumming, Georgia
5. Source Urbanism – Stone Mountain, Georgia
6. TVS Design – Atlanta, Georgia
*Listed in alphabetical order