City of Jasper News

UPDATE (7/21/22) - Gennett Drive Culvert Replacement and Roadway Embankment Reconstruction is complete and the road is open.
(6/3/22) The City of Jasper has been advised by our Engineer of Record for the “Gennett Drive Culvert Replacement and Roadway Embankment Reconstruction” project that the contractor is preparing to start work soon!
You may see Blount Construction starting to stage equipment and materials needed for the work near the entrance to Doris Wigington Park on Gennett Drive this coming week (week of June 6th). The City will be sure to provide updates on the contractor’s construction schedule as we receive them.
We know that this has been a long process, and we appreciate your patience as we work to get the road re-opened.
(3/28/21) The City of Jasper, Pickens County, and the State of Georgia experienced an unprecedented weather event on March 26, 2021. The amount of rainwater and stormwater runoff was beyond the capacity of some of our infrastructure. The City of Jasper responded to multiple weather-related (acts of God) issues on March 26, 2021.
As had been previously documented, the culvert bridge along Gennett Drive was severely impacted and was subsequently washed away. City crews mobilized to secure the area and to restore water services to the impacted residents. The implications of this event have resulted in City Staff consulting with an engineering firm on March 26th to assess the preliminary damage with further assessments forthcoming over the next several days. Gennett Drive will be closed to thru traffic during this time; however, residents will continue to have access to their homes and business as alternate routes are available.
The weather also resulted in many reports of water pressure issues throughout the system. City crews attempted to address as many of the reports as possible; however, there may be associated pressure issue continuing as final efforts for repairs are made.
The weather event impacted the operations of the water supply at Cove Creek. The raw water line that traverses the creek appears to have been compromised and is inhibiting water from the wells to flow to the water treatment plant. Further compounding the issue remains the elevated levels of the creek that hinder efforts to address repairs to this major water line. The City began efforts to utilize the raw water pumps at the intake at the creek; however, the increased sediment and mud runoff poses challenges for the pumps to retrieve the water without blockages occurring.
With rain continued to be forecasted today and tomorrow, it will become increasingly challenging to provide mitigation efforts. The city has commissioned the assistance of a contractor to make emergency repairs that may begin the afternoon of March 27th into tomorrow March 28th. The work scheduled may necessitate that one lane at the Cove Bridge will be closed during portions of tomorrow, March 28, 2021.
Additionally, the City of Jasper will work with the State of Georgia to ascertain any information on relief as declared through the State of Emergency issued by the Governor yesterday.